AUDU LAW FIRM • Jan 06, 2016

It's normal for a client facing a divorce to be unsure about how to approach this difficult time in their lives from a legal standpoint. Who should represent them? What qualities should they look for? What does the right attorney need from them?

These uncertainties are why Audu Law Firm offers a case evaluation to all prospective clients. Attorney Lilian Audu believes that all clients should carefully review their legal options before a divorce, and a free, no-obligation consultation helps these clients proceed with freedom and information to do just that. Still, many wonder what these evaluations entail and how they help both Attorney Audu and you decide how to proceed.

In your case evaluation, the following will be discussed:

  • The client's circumstances: How long were you married? What is the reason for the divorce? What are the major pieces of marital property? Are their children involved?
  • The client's goals: Is there a specific custody arrangement they'd like to establish? Where should the client's new residence be? Would they like to relocate? What is the client's best case scenario following their divorce?
  • The client's concerns: Are there long-term financial concerns? Are their assets you'd like to protect? Assets you believe are hidden? Are there domestic violence or substance abuse concerns? Or Child Protective Services concerns?

Finally, after assessing all this information, Attorney Audu will share any of her concerns about the client's circumstances and expectations. In some cases, there may be reasons why she feels that a client's case is not a fit for the firm, but in most cases, will outline what her next steps would be and how they best address the concerns and goals of the client.

If you are facing family law challenges, then the dedicated Sugar Land family law attorney at Audu Law Firm is ready to hear from you. Attorney Lilian Audu has committed her firm to providing compassionate and thorough family law and divorce counsel for individuals, couples, and entire families in need. Her communicative, client-centric approach means clients can rest assured that their counsel will proceed in a way that speaks to their every concern.

You do not have to face this difficult time without a dedicated advocate. Contact the Audu Law Firm today for an initial case evaluation.

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